Get the Lead Out of Your Body - Even When it's in Your Water

Get the Lead Out of Your Body - Even When it's in Your Water

186 million Americans live in regions with dangerously high levels of lead in their tap water.  Cities like Flint, Michigan made national headlines because of their poor water quality and inability to fix the problem, but the issue extends to much of the US.  The leaded water supply and infrastructure in America’s Rust Belt, Northeast, Pacific Coast, and some areas of the South and Midwest, are outdated and failing.

(View The Lead Map by SimpleLab to assess the risk of lead in your county)

Many states are plagued with water that leaches lead and other toxic metals from decrepit pipes.  This lead-filled water inevitably gets into the body, which if left untreated, can cause dangerous and sometimes irreversible conditions, especially to children and seniors.

No amount of lead is OK in any body, but especially in children.  It can severely harm a child's health and cause damage to the brain and nervous system, which - among other things - can lead to a lower IQ. [Source]

Every body deserves to be lead-free, even when their water isn’t.

Fortunately there's an inexpensive, safe, and reliable way to get lead out of the body.  For more than 70 years, EDTA Chelation has been the standard and proven treatment for exposure to lead and other toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic and mercury [source].  EDTA (Calcium disodium EDTA) quickly and safely removes lead from your body in a process called 'chelation'.

Chelation 101: The Science Behind EDTA & Lead Poisoning

Here’s how it works: EDTA enters the body with a natural attraction (or charge) to heavy metals, kind of like a magnet.  It is most attracted to heavy metals like lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury, so it will bind with those first.  Once the EDTA and trace metal bind together, the charge is neutralized and the metal becomes inactive (the force that caused the "magnetism" has been neutralized). Both remain locked together, inactive and neutral, until it is swiftly removed from the body through the urine.

In short, EDTA latches onto toxic metals in the body, neutralizes them, then quickly and safely removes them from the body through the urinary tract.


Chelation Therapy Doesn't Have to Break the Bank

Using EDTA to bind and remove minerals (metals) from the body is called Chelation Therapy. It can be given weekly through an I.V. with a medical professional, or taken at home each day in the form of capsules or suppositories. Arizona Natural EDTA oral chelation capsules offer a less expensive and less invasive alternative to I.V. sessions (and suppositories), and uses the same proven form of EDTA administered by a practitioner (Calcium disodium EDTA)

Arizona Natural uses only Calcium Disodium EDTA, the same form of EDTA used by medical professionals. Each capsule is packed with 600mg calcium disodium EDTA, no fillers, no additives, just what works.


How to Take Oral EDTA for Best Results

We’ve reviewed best practices for taking EDTA in a past article, but key points are that it needs to be taken on an EMPTY stomach for maximum effectiveness. EDTA will also deplete mineral levels in your body over time, so best practice would be to cycle the product. A good rule of thumb for cycling EDTA is 3:1 - meaning take the caps 3 times as long as your break. Example: if you take EDTA for 30 days, take 10 days off before starting again. This allows your body to replenish the minerals that were chelated away. Taking a multi-mineral supplement will also help maintain the body’s natural mineral levels.


Content provided by Ryan Hanna of Arizona Natural Products. Arizona Natural has provided EDTA oral chelation caps since 1981, and continues to be the most popular and trusted pure EDTA dietary supplement in the America.

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